Cabin Access, Front Mask Access, Roof Access, Windscreen Platforms and Trailer Unloading Platforms Contact usOur work in Transport
We have developed a range of custom and standard solutions for use to access trams, trains and to reduce the risk of a fall when loading and unloading trailers.
Over the past 15 years, we have worked closely with BlueScope Steel to develop the SLAP (Safe Loading Access Platform), TAG (Trailer Access Guardrail) and the TAPIG (Trailer Access Platform with Integrated Guardrails). Both the SLAP and TAG were recognised as finalists in the WorkSafe Victoria Awards.
In light rail we have worked with Yarra Trams to develop front mask platforms, windscreen replacement platforms, internal access platforms and roof access platforms. Our work with V/Line, Metro Trains Melbourne and Bombardier has resulted in gantry platforms, driver access platforms and a range of other speciality platforms.
Available product information
Safe Loading Access Products (SLAP)
Truck/Trailer Access Platform (TAP)
Trailer Access Guardrail (TAG)
Trailer Access Platform with Integrated Guardrails (TAPIG)
Trailer Edge Protection System (TEPS)
Rear Trailer Access Platform
Tram Access & Maintenance Platforms
Front Mask Platform
Side Access Platform
Windscreen Access Platform
Roof Access Platform
Train Access & Maintenance Platforms
Front Mask Platform
Cabin Access Platform
Gantry/Roof Access Platform
Wash bay platform